Thursday, December 13, 2012

Consumption as Citizenship, and Parenthood?

In class, we discussed how consumption is often used a s a way for an individual to prove that they are a viable citizen in our society. We looked at haul videos and heard rhetoric such as "I worked hard for the money to buy these things." If you can afford a haul, you must have been a hard worker and contributed to society/the economy/world peace/yada yada. And there you go, being a good citizen yet again by spending that hard-earned money to stimulate the economy/bring world peace/yada yada.

Well, perfect mommy strikes again.

Perfect mommy is the sworn enemy of all regular mommies everywhere, essentially, according to Rants from Mommyland, in fact, perfect mommy is "Domestic Enemy Number One to all moms," ( These women somehow manage to get all the kids to all the play dates, pack cute obento-esque lunches, head the school's PTA, never be late, never get spit up on them, never leave the house in sweat pants, drive a nice car, have a perfect husband, and probably work at a fancy-schmancy corporate or law job to-boot.

And guess why perfect mommy is really all that? Because she consumes. She worked hard to get that money to spend on those things that her kids can show off and tell other kids who tell their parents and eventually everyone, yes, everyone, knows who perfect mommy is.

One issue that flys around parent circle pretty frequently is what you should be feeding your children. To breastfeed or not to breastfeed? To raise the kids vegan? To eat fast-food? To home-cook everything? To go local? To eat organic? When to introduce shellfish or nuts? And recently, the organic buzz has been the coolest new thing. But what does organic really mean? Does organic mean no pesticides? Well, sort of, it means no intentional pesticides right on that plant, but the farm next door that you're downwind from and happens to spray? Well, I think what organic really means is that you have status. Perfect mommy with all her perfect money and perfect time on her hands can afford to boy her kids organic meals. Organic is nothing more than a social stamp saying "Look, you there, I paid more for my food that you." I consumed better. I am a better citizen than you, not-so-perfect mommy, could ever dream of being.

- Alexandra

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