Tuesday, December 11, 2012

About the Adventurers

Alexandra (known in real life as Allison Marie Butler)
Alexandra is a sophomore at American University majoring Journalism and Political Science and minoring in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. She has no children, yet...but does have some kids fondly referred to as her "short boyfriends" by her mother (one even calls her Mommy sometimes). Alexandra never read mommy-blogs until Carrie got her into one, Rants from Mommyland. In fact, Alexandra is a little freaked out by the whole ordeal, but is open-minded and has to admit that three-year-olds say some funny schmidt (she can back this with personal experience, ex: "Max, do you want a carrot to fill you up with love...and happiness").

Carrie (known in real life as Jennifer Ann Johnson)
Carrie is s sophomore and mother of none, but is highly addicted to mommy-blogs and finds them hilarious and fascinating. She is an International Studies major and Spanish minor who spends much of her time catching up on Rants from Mommyland and laughing at the antics of Kate, Lydia, and their darling children (fondly referred to, respectively, as "indoor homeless people" and "little terror suspects"). Carrie was raised by a single, working mother who is AWESOME but regrets not being able to be a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom). Reading the blog gives Carrie a lot to think about and consider in terms of future life decisions...but mostly just makes her laugh, as she finds toddler potty humor hilarious. 

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